What is Esalen® Massage?

The Esalen practitioner responds to the unique issues presented by the individual client, instead of imposing a particular protocol, form or set way of working. Each massage is customized to meet your personal needs in the moment.

Created at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA, Esalen® Massage was designed to give the client a sense of deep relaxation and integration of body, mind, and spirit.

What Makes Esalen Massage Unique?

Atlanta Esalen Massage Therapist Andy Ritan

The practitioner is working with, instead of on, the client

The massage is a moving meditation; the practitioner is committed to being as fully present as possible for the entire massage session,

The practitioner is aware that a client may be affected on physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual levels.

Long, flowing strokes, integrated throughout the massage give a sense of relaxation, connection and wholeness

Benefits of Esalen® Massage?

Whether you are feeling stressed, experiencing tightness, or just want to experience feelings of connection, integration and wholeness, Esalen® Massage is for you.

Atlanta Esalen Massage Therapist

Relaxed muscles

Increased range of motion

Reduced stress and sense of calm

Deeply relaxed state

Increased blood supply and nutrition to muscles

Americans are among the most stressed people in the world.

Source: NY Times

What Can You Expect From Esalen® Massage?

During an Esalen® massage,  you can expect to receive long flowing strokes that travel from the top of your body all the way down, and back up again. This creates an experience of deep relaxation supporting the natural ability of body and mind to self-heal. The practitioner moves slowly, listening to your body's response to the touch.

Your muscles will begin to warm up and relax, and the practitioner will use techniques to move into those deeper muscles of the body.  A variety of techniques may be used from rocking, passive joint movement, stretching, deep tissue, accupressure, cranialsacral therapy, or energy work.

Atlanta Esalen Massage

How Esalen® massage has helped a client

"The thing about Esalen® massage is that its not really about working out muscles, its more about touch and integration and calming the nervous system and mind body connection, and so that has been so important lately at a time when we don't have a lot of connection..." - Jen

Americans are among the most stressed people in the world.

Source: NY Times

Prenatal Massage in Atlanta GA

With its nurturing contact, integrating strokes and detailed attention to the whole body, an Esalen® Massage provides a state of deep relaxation and healing. - Esalen.org

Body, Mind, and Spirit
Esalen Massage